If I know one thing about the people who tune into our weekly Tech Tuesday Live Twitter Chats, it’s that they love All-in-One PCs. It doesn’t take me by surprise because I also love All-in-Ones. I mean what’s not to love in having everything you want in one place? For those of you who agree, you’ll be excited to know that ASUS is joining us tomorrow during our 12-1pm PT Tech Tuesday to discuss All-in-Ones and to give away the 24” touch-enabled version of this hot PC! If that doesn’t get you excited, I don’t know what will.
The great thing about an All-in-One PC is that you can do so many things with it. You could put it in the kitchen, snap recipes together and become (or feel like) a professional chef. If you have a child with learning disabilities or an elderly parent still new to technology, the touch-enabled surface and wide screen size makes and All-in-One a great personal computing option. Not to mention, an All-In-One PC is clutter free and able to exist on almost any surface without that old relic of a tower. Finally, it’s a great place to stream TV and still be a workstation.
Did you know that ASUS is now launching a 27” All-In-One PC? That’s a two and a half foot monitor or roughly 3 and ½ adult hands touching pinky to thumb. That’s double the size of the TVs most people had in their kitchens 10 years ago. 27” is huge. While this model is not touch enabled, it doesn’t need to be with great computing powers and a giant wide-screen screen you’ll be dazzled.
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Note we will only be talking about the outlined topic each week and we will not be answering questions outside those topics. Questions for this week may include: What is an All-In-One PC? Who should buy this type of PC? How do you pronounce ASUS?