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May 11, 2010

Naming the Design by Community concept device (Poll 1 of 5)

Baby-rattleLONDON, England – It’s been a hard slog but we’ve finally been through all your baby name suggestions for our Design by Community concept device. We received a whopping 148 of them and now you need to help us whittle them down to a shortlist of 15 names over the coming week. As JBC mentioned last week, starting today we’ll be running a series of five polls, each featuring 30 names, with each poll live for 24 hours. What you need to do is vote for your favourite three names every day in a bid to get them in the shortlist next week. Before you pick your top three in each list of 30 suggestions, nip over to our original article to check out why these names were submitted. Ready? Here’s poll number one with the first 30 names to pick from for the Design by Community baby naming ceremony.