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For Business
July 21, 2015

Podcast spotlight: Five of the best business podcasts on Windows Phone

Get deeper insights on your Lumia about the world of business and economics with these audio podcasts.


Whether it’s your personal bank account or your company’s bottom line, money affects us all. Navigating the often-byzantine landscape of finance and corporate wheeling and dealing can be simplified by listening to these popular and engaging podcasts on your Lumia.

In previous installments of Podcast Spotlight, we named our picks for the best comedy podcasts, best news podcasts, and best technology podcasts for Windows Phone. This time, we explore business and economics.


Planet Money

For an accessible view of the rapidly changing global economy, look no further than NPR’s Planet Money podcast. High rollers, brainy economists, and regular folks explain what’s going on with the world’s money markets.


Freakonomics Radio

The creators of the books “Freakonomics” and “SuperFreakonomics” explore the hidden side of everything, including the world of economics. For example, did you know that the quantity and quality of your sleep affects the economy and how much you earn? Learn about it in this weekly podcast.


Manager Tools

Learn new tips and tools to manage your team with this weekly podcast. It educates on how to deal with complaints from your direct reports, set up productive meetings, interview candidates, and much, much more.


Motley Fool Money

When it comes to forecasting trends in the financial world, the Fools have you covered. The Money podcast is especially useful if you’re playing the stock market, as it tends to be heavy on investing and company earnings news.


HBR Ideacast

This podcast from the Harvard Business Review’s leading thinkers in business and management tackles a different topic each week. From the future of human resources to effective negation techniques, the HBR Ideacast explains how business is constantly evolving.

How to listen

The built-in Podcasts app on your Windows Phone allows you to search and subscribe to the podcasts on this list. Just swipe to the “Get Podcasts” page to add one to your library.

My personal favorite free podcast app is ChannelWize. It seamlessly finds and updates podcasts, and allows you to create playlists based on your listening preferences. It can even suggest podcasts for each genre.

Which business podcasts do you follow?

