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January 12, 2012

Weekly regional spotlight: United Kingdom

This week I will be travelling to the UK. The home of chips, Haggis and Catherine Zeta Jones (when she’s not sitting on a Caribbean beach with her Hollywood husband)….

….don’t worry, this post hasn’t turned into a weekly food and celebrity travel feature, it’s still our good old weekly regional spotlight!

Time to see what Nokia UK have been up to in the past few months. If you’re not sure what this feature is all about, then please feel free to check out the previous spotlights for India, the USA, Lebanon/Jordan, Germany (our most recent) and the Philippines. If you are from anywhere in the UK and have a Nokia story for us please get in touch @Nokia_Connects.

Nokia Experience House

Imagine for a moment that Nokia was a house. What would it have in it? What would it look like? Probably a little bit like the Nokia Experience House. Nokia UK have set up their new product trial house in London so that the community can immerse themselves in everything Nokia. Recently Nirave, DaniAndrew and Dawid paid a visit to receive their Lumia 800 trials and test out some of the products on display. Here is how they got on…

Nokia Maps Walking Tour

Nokia Maps hosted a walking tour around Soho in London last month. The idea was spawned off the back of the Mapstronaut activity, when Nokia Maps asked people in Europe to submit their favourite places for the Mapstronaut to visit on his travels (you might remember the Mapstro’ himself answering a few questions for Nokia Connects). Nokia UK decided because there were so many entries for London that they should hold a walking tour with Tom Jones from tiredoflondontiredoflife.

‘The idea was a simple one – host a Walking Tour around an area of London and invite people interested in the city to come and learn some of the stories behind thier favourite places!’                                                                                                                                                                                                                Nokia Maps Blog

Here is the gang:

Dark Knight Rises

Nokia UK teamed up with the Dark Knight Rises in December to treat six members of the community to a private screening of the film’s prologue.  The BFI IMAX was the destination and every attendee (including @TheProdigalFool above) received a ‘special’ surprise. Here is John Choo unboxing one of only 40 Dark Knight branded Lumia 800 phones:

via TheBarcode5000  

Want us to visit your country next week? Well please drop the where and why in the comments section below or on Twitter @Nokia_Connects. Have a great week!